Guild Programs
Our meetings begin at 6:30 with a social time to chat and catch up with our guild friends. The business portion of the meeting begins at 7:00. Included in the business portion of the meeting are brief reports from the board and community service project chairs. We present a new donation basket loaded with quilting supplies each month. The proceeds from the basket are donated to a different charity after each meeting.
Each meeting features an interesting and informative program. Nationally recognized quilt teachers and artists offer lectures and trunk shows highlighting the many and diverse styles of quilting. Workshops are offered several times a year. We also showcase the talents of our many gifted members with demo nights. Following our speaker is the ever popular Show & Tell to end the evening on a remarkably high note. All guest program speakers are free to members; guests are charged a $5.00 fee which can then be applied to membership if you choose to join the guild that evening.
The guild also holds an annual auction as the primary fund raiser for the guild programs, a picnic, and an end of the year winter festival.
Upcoming Programs:
August 28, 2024
Program: "The Quilt Judge's Eye" with Phyllis Manley
Phyllis has been an avid quilter for 45 years and a certified NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) for 18 years.
She will share some insights about how judges approach the judging process. "The Quilt Judge's Eye" lecture will point out the steps judges take in critiquing quilts. She will show us some of her quilts, the good and the bad, and what comments were made about them.
August 29, 2024
Workshop: Fractured Waterfall - with Amy Smith
Make the Fractured Waterfall by using the Build-As-You-Go Method. See newsletter for time and location.
September 25, 2024
Guild Annual Auction!
Judi Bitner and Evelyn Hunt
October 23, 2024
Two Faces of a Quilter with Karen Dever
A trunk show of Karen's quilts and stories of her travels through the quilting world. Karen loves all types of quilting and flips back and forth between traditional and contemporary works. She will start with her first and end with one of her newest pieces to show how one can use lessons learned along the way to improve and stretch their skills.
October 24, 2024
Workshop: Strip Illusion with Karen Dever
Do you have a lot of scraps and do not know what to do with them? Let's use those scraps and strips to create a wall hanging that gives an illusion of curves with only stitching straight lines!